Auto-Refresh Cooldowns
Toggle to periodically refresh your spell and active item cooldowns. This button may occasionally produce broken interactions that are unique to Practice Tool and this button. Practice with care.
Auto-Refresh HP
Toggle to periodically refresh your health.
Auto-Refresh Mana/Energy
Toggle to periodically refresh your mana or energy.
Add Gold
Gives you 10,000 gold.
Level Up
Increases your level by 1.
Lock XP Level
Toggle to stop from gaining any more experience.
Teleport to Cursor
Instantly move your champion to target location.
Instantly respawns you at your fountain, if your champion is dead.
Kill Player Champion
Instantly kills your champion.
Toggle Towers Invincible
Toggle to make all turrets invincible.
Toggle Tower Fire
Toggle to prevent all turrets from attacking.
Toggle Minion Spawn
Toggle to prevent any minions from spawning for either team.
Fast Forward 30sec
Fast-forwards the game 30 seconds.
Fast Forward 10min
Fast-forwards the game 10 minutes.